Please allow 6--12 working days for shipment to arrive at your address. However, due to our inability to control the transportation, the arrival time will be different according to the actual situation. Please check the picture to know how long it will take generally. 

We'll send you an email when your order has shipped, and you may also track your order on the express companies' website with your tracking number. 

In Saudi Arabia, the express companies we cooperated with are: 

1. ESNAD. 

Its tracking no. begins with 3. 

2. ZAJIL.  

Its tracking no. begins with Z.


Its tracking no. begins with 3. 

In UAE, the express companies we cooperated with are: 

1. First Flight Couriers.

Its tracking no. begins with CNB. 

2. iMile.

Its tracking no. begins with 6. 

In Qatar, the express company we worked with is: 


Its tracking no. begins with CNB. 


Please allow 6--12 working days for shipment to arrive at your address. However, due to our inability to control the transportation, the arrival time will be different according to the actual situation. Please check the picture to know how long it will take generally. 

We'll send you an email when your order has shipped, and you may also track your order on the express companies' website with your tracking number. 

In Saudi Arabia, the express companies we cooperated with are: 

1. ESNAD. 

Its tracking no. begins with 3. 

2. ZAJIL.  

Its tracking no. begins with Z.


Its tracking no. begins with 3. 

In UAE, the express companies we cooperated with are: 

1. First Flight Couriers.

Its tracking no. begins with CNB. 

2. iMile.

Its tracking no. begins with 6. 

In Qatar, the express company we worked with is: 


Its tracking no. begins with CNB.